Tuesday 25 June 2013

Rainbow with Grey..(can be)

                     India has its own colours.You can go on complaining as much as you like there won't be an end or other wise you can really enjoy the diversity of all the colours in its rainbow.
One thing I have heard from everyone,something I always knew right from the beginning even during my childhood,I was full of negativity.No not that kind,everyone said I was generous,loving, with a heart of gold but I had a tongue from which complaints never stopped dropping.I remember it was not just my tongue but those complaints came directly from within me.Wohoo I was always that negative person you would really want to avoid but you feel sad to do so because of the qualities i mentioned,but the base line I stank with those complaints.  
              Then there was this stage where thing around me started clearing out and the environment was really introducing things which even if I didn't want to be positive forced me to be.There was this place which was an educational institution it had a great amount of spiritual energy it removed everything out bit by bit,piece by piece and made me passive so very passive and calmed even in the most tumultuous times.
That place had a strange magic, we were in the most difficult course but it did not make us feel that way.It felt like some infinite power was present and communicating with me.Something touched my soul and I felt it being there.There were those two years without any criticism,complaints or anything.I just had to do one thing love.Love everything around me and behave in a kind,loving and humane manner because that was what people understood.A different world altogether which made me realize all the things I did for so many years convincing me to clean up my act as I had too many negative blocks hampering  that beautiful flow of my life.My life was suppose to be beautiful and amazing,because I really had got the best for too many years.What lacked was the ability to absorb all that goodness.Removing those weeds was the biggest step and the most important one.As I started meditating I realized I wasn't the only one responsible for my never ending supply of that negativity people around me were equally atleast during my early stages.

  1. Their rudeness and impoliteness had been cruel for my sensitive heart(my heart wasn't strong enough)I guessed that was the problem.Building up trying to get over those little pangs of rejections and rudeness given by them which so many fat tear rolling down my chubby little cheeks couldn't wash.Their words were like spears twisting my little  heart which looked at the world in the light shown by a  convent school-positively.It seemed right whatever they told,after all we are human beings and we are suppose to live nicely not just snapping out at each other and being nasty all the times driven by some temporary sugar cravings leaving us more agitated than ever.I had to validate my problems only then i could move ahead.This validating was a marker on all those lose bugs.I realized many shockingly weird facts.At the risk of me self-glorifying myself.Something that came to me after i read Fountainhead.As a kid I was right too many times and other people were not sure and they pressed me down because of their lack of knowledge or non-willingness to gather the answers.

Science was one of the things.We had a lot of Maths but Science was always at the basic stage and overshadowed by the other subjects.Few people had that love or analytical nature for it.Those who have are always pressed down by the others till they are allowed to rise up later on in higher career stages.
Grey is one colour just like violet or others.....You can be faced with situations having a Grey shade to them
----to be contd

Sunday 16 June 2013

simplicity a luxury!?

The best things are not easy they say, sometimes easy things unnecessarily have to be pursued by beating around the bush.It is at this time you demand simplicity not just as a change but as a luxury.
Strange enough I remember reading Coco Chanel's statement that "luxury is opposite of vulgarity",
Really can make us scoff,can it not?
We never think of it that way,don't we?
well think of it simplicity as a luxury..simplicity is something that is in it original form and and not at all pretentious.When things are simple you may not see the lavishness but it does ensure that they are original and not repeated. You can build lavishness on it.
yes indeed You can but time its foundation will be more rock solid.If there is trouble somewhere you can easily deal with it eliminating it out at times effectively because you will know your foundations and your true self.Something that cannot be done in all the complex forms hidden behind multiple masks.
A slight ripple and you will be left feeling terrible for days without understanding exactly what hurt you or maybe where.We might not be envying the person but something about that person hurt something in us because in reality we might be lacking in that department.
Take for example something like cooking both you and your friend would have found it unnecessary and there was no need for you to learn it because you apparently had many cooks at home.If many years later however if your kids start adoring your friend's cooking it might lead to turbulence in you.After all you don't witness the same adoration from the eyes of your kids.There it starts the beginning of all resentment and prejudice.Sometimes leading to bigger things.
      When you have that simplicity or truthful foundation that i mentioned,you will realize what exactly hurt you. You can pinpoint to the weed properly.How you plan to remove it rests with you.You can be left feeling grumpy for days and years or perhaps you can use that prick as a stimulation to channelize your energy in a more positive way.This word channelize will be used by me so often because it is indeed that word which is may not be difficult but something that has a path made difficult by us to walk on because of our mental blocks.The way they say absence make the heart grow fonder the same way i would suggest always imagine not having that thing or particular set of skills and someone else having them.Check how you feel and be truthful about what exactly makes you feel bad about not having it.If u really don't care you wouldn't care at that time too but if you do you will notice and then you will work effortlessly in moving towards your goal because you will remember the delight of having it with you.