Friday 17 May 2013

longest tamasha--the weight loss tamasha.

               There is this book the title speaks the funny truth,Indian women and the weight loss tamasha-miss Divekar.....Haven't read it just like the title.
     It is a everyday melodrama in many houses...
We have seen to what extent people go nicely they shred and damage all their self-esteems ...and one of the many causes of many symptoms later on.
At times it is inexplicable for the normal weighed people why their obese friends or other people make such a drama out of simple things.Plus there was a recent survey which said that people who talk about fat issues are the most avoided ones..
so here is an article which will give u a green,violet and red view or diagnosis....from a person who struggled with all these issue.
you start it with the wrong spirit,because you are jealous of those models or other women...You hide it under loose clothes,you won't admit it or will make fun of urself trying to show everyone that you are okay..You take undertake all the possible plans but never complete them.
Basic underlying truth-if u do it with the right spirit.
 Forget about doing it to please people ....look at those perfect bodies and feel nice about them  and then think how nice would u feel if you could get that...maybe not that perfect but some where nearby sort of a body atleast a proper weight or fitting in your clothes without any struggle...feel good about all these things..
Then don't take that train of thought towards jealousy or hopelessness...float in them and keep them to yourself,while sleeping or waking up thing positively about it....You will get a refreshing and a deep surge to work out properly,maybe walk or climb those stairs or however you are doing it,..That tiredness from the gym or any other activity will make you feel good....Don't over strain also don't expect much just work without expecting the rewards.....realize how much u need to eat and how much u r just stuffing..take small measures such as switching of the t.v while eating,concentrating on the food and enjoying it slowly...more than the workouts these small things will help in keeping the scales at your favorable side....Not only weight loss but you will feel that you have taken on your life in a new way and that food works more in your favor now.Dinners will give you energy instead of taking it away from you...we all feel that lethargic thing after meals...don't we?here u can change that...You are not just becoming fit but healthy....
Now what people think should act as a catalyst...catalyst speeds up the process...helps the process but does not take part in the reaction...and hence the final product is free of it.....So have you realized what has happened  you will be healthy for yourself,at the same time you have turned potential negatives into positives....
   Isn't that something you should be proud of!!!
  TAMASHA- drama,(Hindi word).
will look for the was a Time of India article in sci tech section.

Spirit away

  SPIRIT-a principle or emotion which makes someone act:

We  all love being loved,love being liked,sometimes(or most of the times,without us admitting) being popular.
We groom ourselves accordingly or for many of us like I mentioned in my previous post,after a series of disrespectful incidences do so,some of us are desperate,some of us do it for a change because the new wave of being liked is fresh and so much more better than ostracized.Always a fresh and new start to our lives.Life seems better,many hands make the work lighter.
         If you have some rashes which are not hurting u,u may not care to cure it,till it becomes worse.If a house has leakage problems and we just keep on painting its walls to hide it some day the problem will come out in its worse form.No wonder bullies are the people who are damaged and hence they try raising their happiness deprecating others.I would suggest u do quick mind and emotional check every time u indulge in  Schadenfreude-German word for laughing at the misfortunes of others, many more things about our mental bruises will come out.
    We spend our lives grooming ourselves physically sometimes vocally,psychologically.Sometimes even grooming our nature and character.
well there is everything good about it if it done with the right spirit.If not after working hard to reach that destination we will get the feeling of shallowness.A late arrival of better senses wherein we will realize what a futile race it was and an emptiness.Remember Bridget from sisterhood of travelling pants 1?How she felt?
people really wouldn't care more,but you will try being more popular getting into more groups,splattering more make-up and trying to fill that big depression in you.You may not be sensitive to realize how unsatisfied you are.

             There this word spirit comes into being,a principle or emotion which makes someone act.
if u really want to love the world u should first learn to love yourself in a divine and unadulterated way.
You should know and discover why you love living life and why you love your life....make your life worth loving for you,go to the core of every emotion enjoy its depth and then live life to its fullest.
 Only if u respect yourself you can respect others.If u love yourself u will love others.
    Do things because they will make your experience of living life better.
I hv given an example of weight loss in my next ur criticisms openly...

Friday 10 May 2013

Stuck At(titude)

Attitude....uhh that rough word which does not come so easily ,we condition ourselves and accept the fact that life is hard in such a rigid way that we enjoy making things rough even when they r going smoothly in a fairy tale way..

Life straightens things but we bring forth wrinkles with our attitude .Thus they are gratitude and attitude very synchronous with each other.
It is not until we step on a hard ground that we start realizing how soft the earlier one was,
not until we actually  get the worst do we realize that we had indeed got the best but we never knew they were the best and never lived  it in its proper way so all thanks to our attitude.
We work hard for things at times not enjoying the work but just the lure of the rewards or the completion of our goals drive us. The certain purpose lubricates us our life.
For e.g if you are saving a lot or working hard for a new house, you think once u shift you will start feeling happy and u will start living your life. You should be ready for a big shocker because the black truth is even if u r gifted a paradise or anything. You yourself are bound to ruin things and make many weeds grow with that ill-wretched attitude of your’s. You will create imaginary problems.
Have you ever thought why some people with so many problems are able to do things properly while you having all the privileges are left behind.Not for the sake of the race but just looking at them having all the fun while we are slogging at the same things.You do tend to wonder why things go so easy with these people that luck forever seems to be on their payroll.
This is where it starts worrying us.

Unnecessary drama just the way in soap operas,where we see them jumping from one problem to another without any respite.An opaque positive attitude makes us blind and can lead to further disappointments. how about a transparent positive attitude,we see things the way they are but in a good and clear light.
This is the difficult part not easy to cultivate.Living in a country like India which is so diverse to the surprisingly high extent of that word,turn a corner and you will enter a new world wiping out all the traces of the previous world. When situations change to such a extent you need to know the difference between anchoring and being stuck in mud,being flexible and rigid.
Go on share your experiences of your world changing completing and how you have managed to not just grow but even develop with the right attitude.
we all are eager to listen.