Friday 10 May 2013

Stuck At(titude)

Attitude....uhh that rough word which does not come so easily ,we condition ourselves and accept the fact that life is hard in such a rigid way that we enjoy making things rough even when they r going smoothly in a fairy tale way..

Life straightens things but we bring forth wrinkles with our attitude .Thus they are gratitude and attitude very synchronous with each other.
It is not until we step on a hard ground that we start realizing how soft the earlier one was,
not until we actually  get the worst do we realize that we had indeed got the best but we never knew they were the best and never lived  it in its proper way so all thanks to our attitude.
We work hard for things at times not enjoying the work but just the lure of the rewards or the completion of our goals drive us. The certain purpose lubricates us our life.
For e.g if you are saving a lot or working hard for a new house, you think once u shift you will start feeling happy and u will start living your life. You should be ready for a big shocker because the black truth is even if u r gifted a paradise or anything. You yourself are bound to ruin things and make many weeds grow with that ill-wretched attitude of your’s. You will create imaginary problems.
Have you ever thought why some people with so many problems are able to do things properly while you having all the privileges are left behind.Not for the sake of the race but just looking at them having all the fun while we are slogging at the same things.You do tend to wonder why things go so easy with these people that luck forever seems to be on their payroll.
This is where it starts worrying us.

Unnecessary drama just the way in soap operas,where we see them jumping from one problem to another without any respite.An opaque positive attitude makes us blind and can lead to further disappointments. how about a transparent positive attitude,we see things the way they are but in a good and clear light.
This is the difficult part not easy to cultivate.Living in a country like India which is so diverse to the surprisingly high extent of that word,turn a corner and you will enter a new world wiping out all the traces of the previous world. When situations change to such a extent you need to know the difference between anchoring and being stuck in mud,being flexible and rigid.
Go on share your experiences of your world changing completing and how you have managed to not just grow but even develop with the right attitude.
we all are eager to listen.

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